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September 2024

Paris 2024 Breaking | Tech Styles International & Clean North Crew

By |2024-09-21T10:35:45+00:00September 21st, 2024|Community, Events, International, National|

On August 9th and 10th, breaking made its debut in the 2024 Olympics in Paris. During this weekend, four members of Clean North Crew were flown out by Tech Styles International to battle in France at the ‘Not Only Jam’ and spend a weekend in the city where breaking was being broadcasted for the first time on this global platform. They met and reunited with many French and international breakers over the three days, whilst also reaching the semi-finals in the crew battles with only four members. The crew had a busy summer, battling in the UK and putting on a creative and inspiring summer camp for the younger generations of Bradford. Therefore, coming to Paris was the perfect opportunity for the crew to spend quality time with each other and celebrate the achievements of this year. The Bboy and Bgirls arrived early on the Saturday morning, briefly exploring the local area and then travelling straight to the event. As soon as they arrived the energy from the dancers could be felt from outside of the venue. Walking in, the cyphers were already in full swing despite the hot weather and the crew were quickly met with a few familiar faces from the UK. The cypher qualifications began and Bboy Tranquil, Bgirl Labyrinth, Spider and Ammo, set out to show the unique Bradford style, qualifying for top 8.The quarter-final battle against Golden Monkeys Crew from Paris was a hype start to the event and Clean North took it, two votes to one moving on to top 4. The semi-final battle against Paris’ own Badefficience Crew was a close match up and a dope exchange. Although Clean North didn’t [...]

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August 2024

Breaking B-Pro Summer Camp | Bradford, Yorkshire, GB

By |2024-08-03T19:52:35+00:00August 3rd, 2024|Community|

As we approach breaking in the Paris Olympics 2024 this is an amazing opportunity to learn breaking (breakdance) with some of the best breakers in the UK. B>Pro Summer Camp 2024, is such an exciting time for the breaking community in Bradford. Summer dance camps have been happening for over 10 years and began with Tranquil Productions around 2012. This year’s summer dance camp is happening on the 7th 8th and 9th of August FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE and last year we had one of the most incredible Summer Camps to date. […]

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July 2024

Bradford Brawl Breakin Event 2024 | Recap

By |2024-07-17T14:02:45+00:00July 17th, 2024|Community, Events|

It has been just over a week since Bradford Brawl 2024 breakin event and what an amazing event it was! This was definitely the biggest Bradford Brawl battles we have had to date. The build up for the team, the bboys and bgirls was incredible. We had special guests arriving earlier in the week and there was excitement and energy across all the classes the closer we got to the event. Each crew had their own targets going into this year’s Bradford Brawl, so everyone was anticipating how the battles and showcases would play out. There had been a lot of preparation and time put in from the breaking community as a whole. Bboy Tobi, representing Recession Squad (Ireland), kicked off Bradford Brawl with his workshop in the morning. The turnout was like no other, with 29 Bboys and Bgirls in attendance! This is the most amount of breakers we have ever seen attend a guest workshop and this includes workshops we have visited in other countries, all over the world. Tobi did an amazing job, he really instilled key Hip Hop values into the Bboys and Bgirls, which was great to see. Bboy Tobi is our first guest from overseas for Bradford Brawl which made this even more special. West Side Breakers were the first showcase opening up the event with an explosive start. It was great to see that they have grown and progressed as a crew, since the last event. The Concrete Roses showcase followed right after and it included a lot of great transitions and tricks. Concrete Roses have some of the more experienced dancers from the new generation within their crew and this could [...]

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Get Ready For Bradford Brawl | Plus 2023 Event Highlights

By |2024-07-17T12:34:55+00:00July 1st, 2024|Events|

The Bradford breakin scene has been growing from strength to strength over the years. Every edition of Bradford Brawl keeps on getting better and better! Among the Bboys and Bgirls of Bradford, this Tranquil Productions internal event is a favourite in the course of the year. The dancers work hard all year round putting together their showcases and preparing for the battles. Everyone wants to be etched in Bradford breakin history by taking the win, but it all comes down to who performs best on the day. With Bradford Brawl 2024 fast approaching, let’s take a quick recap of what happened last year. […]

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June 2024

World Kidz Breaking Championship | Tech Styles International & Clean North Crew visit Slovenia

By |2024-09-20T22:21:31+00:00June 26th, 2024|International|

The World Kidz Breaking Championship was incredible to witness in person, bringing together some of the world’s best Bboys & Bgirls including Bradford’s very own Bgirl Ammo! This was Ammo’s first invite and she received it through battling strong, whilst representing at Bgirl City VII in Houston, Texas in February 2024. We were able to send Ammo, alongside Bgirl Labyrinth as her coach on this trip to the beautiful city of Ljubljana (Slovenia). This was a first for the Bradford scene and the opportunity wasn’t taken lightly by the duo. Going from battling together, to then as an athlete and coach dynamic, was exciting and an easy transition as they have already been working closely for most of this year, they were ready for this next part of the journey. They were also joined by Dom (Ammo’s Dad) on this trip which was also a first. It was great to see the support he gave throughout the weekend. When you truly move as a crew, you will learn overtime how each member of your team works. This is in a physical, mental and spiritual sense. It goes beyond the moves and it is about how you can get the best out of each person. It is a big responsibility being someone’s coach and for Labyrinth, she wanted to make sure that Ammo put her best foot forward, continue to represent strong and to remember to enjoy the moment. This was a huge opportunity and it was important to soak it all in whilst bring present. The duo arrived in Ljubljana on the Thursday, enabling them to settle in and get a feel for the [...]

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Break Create Pollinate | Bboy Lil Tim

By |2024-06-19T18:37:10+00:00June 19th, 2024|Community|

This was an incredible programme for Tech Styles International and the bboys, bgirls and communities we work with across Bradford. When we first set out the initial ideas and plans for this project, it was something we had never done before but we knew it would have major benefits for the local breakin scene and would have the potential to change the lives of those who were involved. Artist in Residence programmes happen often in other artforms but with breakin/hip hop this is something which is very rare. […]

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May 2024

Bordeaux | Tech Styles International & Clean North Crew attend Trocké Dance Battle

By |2024-05-24T16:44:46+00:00May 24th, 2024|Events, International|

Early last year some members of the bboys and bgirls of Clean North Crew got to experience Bordeaux, France for the first time. Since coming back to the Bradford scene, they have shared many memories and experiences from the trip with the rest of the crew and the younger generation of breakers in the city. Only a year later, they were blessed to be returning with Tech Styles International with two extra members of the crew! The Trocke Dance Battle event alongside the Bordeaux hip hop scene made a massive impact on the crews mentality and approach to training and lifestyle, so much so that everyone felt excited to have another opportunity to go. Getting off the plane in the airport for Bboy Tranquil, Jonah and Bgirl Ammo, Labyrinth and Spider was nostalgic but also as exciting as the first time, as they now got to share their favourite parts of the trip with new comers Stylez and Abbie! Throughout the weekend, they returned to many beloved food spots such as the Les Halles Bacalan ( food market), La Toque Cuivree (Canele shop) and Pizza Capri. The delicious food all weekend long provided the crew with great energy that just added to the incredible sights and vibe that the city has. On the first night whilst exploring the city centre, Clean North found an amazing spot to cypher in. Surrounded by the unique architecture and an old style shopping centre, all the members were able to get down and dance together. This was a great feeling and moment as for Bgirl Abbie, it was her first time battling and travelling abroad and this was a great first night, [...]

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Bradford to Houston | Tech Styles International & Clean North Crew attend Bgirl City VII

By |2024-05-21T14:01:05+00:00May 13th, 2024|Events, International|

Our start to 2024 has been incredible and full of so many amazing moments & opportunities. Thanks to God and the hard work and effort by the entire team, we have been blessed to be able to send Bboy Tranquil, Bgirl Labyrinth and Bgirl Ammo all representing Clean North Crew, to Houston Texas for Bgirl City VII. […]

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February 2024

What Happened at Tech Styles 8?

By |2024-02-20T17:40:33+00:00February 10th, 2024|Events, International|

Tech Styles 8 was one of the greatest breakin/hip hop events ever to hit the city of Bradford. For us it was a dream and something we had been working towards for a very long time. It took things to a whole new level for the bboys, bgirls and the community in the city and was a real celebration of local, national and international creativity, talent and skill. Some of the best dancers in our city were joined by world renowned breakers from Immigrandz crew (Bordeaux), UK Legend ‘Lil Tim’ and the well-respected bboy and social media star, Beast Boogie from Havikoro Crew (Houston, Texas) as well as many other amazing artists in the breaking (breakdance) scene. […]

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November 2023

Bradford To New York | Tech Styles International Celebrates 50 Years of Hip Hop

By |2024-05-14T13:27:46+00:00November 11th, 2023|International|

The year 2023 has been an incredible year so far for the Tech Styles team and it shows no signs of slowing down. As this is also the 50th year of Hip Hop culture, what better way to celebrate than to fly out 3 of our breakers to represent Bradford in New York! Bgirl Fox, Bgirl Labyrinth & Bboy Elijah, representing Clean North Crew, went to compete in the Pro Breaking Tour Open and to gain insight and knowledge from some of the Hip Hop legends! […]

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